Catalonia to split from Spain within 48 hours of secession vote - referendum draft bill
If "Yes" wins, the regional government plans to declare independence within 48 hours. If "No" wins, an early election would be called to form a new regional government.
Catalonia’s Challenge to Spain
A new round in a long game of chicken began earlier this month, after Catalonia’s president, Carles Puigdemont, announced an independence referendum on Oct. 1.
Pep Guardiola joins call for referendum on Catalan independence
Manchester City manager tells crowd of 40,000 at rally in Barcelona ‘we have no other option but to vote’
Spain's Catalonia announces October independence vote
Catalonia to hold independence referendum on October 1, 2017
Puigdemont: "Democracy unites us all beyond our legitimate and healthy discrepancies"
Referendum date and question to be announced on Friday
Why Europe should welcome a referendum in Catalonia
Catalans feel that their collective affairs are being run by Madrid without regard for their needs and often against their vital interests...
Barcelona football club backs Catalan independence referendum
Officials in the state want to hold a referendum later this year
Catalan independence referendum conforms to Spanish constitution, say 600 lawyers
More than two thirds of the citizens of Catalonia have for a long time been calling for a referendum to decide their future as a country
Actualitzat el Registre de catalans i catalanes residents a l’exterior
La Generalitat vol possibilitar l'exercici dels drets dels catalans i catalanes residents fora del país