Protest to demand the release of Catalan political leaders

  • The Catalan communities in Australia have worked together to support this initiative and carry out coordinated protests in the cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane

07.12.2017 - 20:21

The Catalan Associations of Australia will be holding a protest in support of the demonstration “Omplim Brussel·les” (“Let’s fill up Brussels), to be held in Brussels today December 7.

This event has emerged from a citizen initiative promoted via social media that collected more than 90,000 supporters in less than one week and that has resulted in the call for a demonstration by the Catalan National Assembly and Òmnium Cultural. Its aim is to demand the release of the Catalan political prisoners currently in jail for defending the creation of the Catalan Republic.

The Catalan communities in Australia have worked together to support this initiative and carry out coordinated protests in the cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane.

Demonstration in support of Catalan polítical prisoners in front of the Spanish consulate in Melbourne. Photo: Casal Català de Victòria Inc.

Catalans, wherever they may be, reject the current situation in Catalonia, where there are now 10 people jailed for political reasons, a president in exile and unjust policies being applied that currently damaging our institutions and projects (among them, the Catalan Associations of Australia).

Please bring a yellow item/garment to the gathering to show you also reject the idea of having political prisoners in Europe in 2017.

La premsa lliure no la paga el govern. La paguem els lectors.

Fes-te de VilaWeb, fem-nos lliures.

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